Courses offered by the college

Arts Faculty- B.A. 6 Semesters (3 Years)

Medium- Marathi

Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi

 (Any Three from following)
Economics, History, Political Science, Marathi Literature (MLT), English Literature (ELT), Geography, Sociology, Music, Home Economics, Functional English


Commerce Faculty- B.Com. 6 Semesters (3 Years)

Medium- Marathi

Subjects & Paper as per syllabus of RTM Nagpur University


Science Faculty- B.Sc. 6 Semesters (3 Years)

Medium- English

Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi for (I & II Sem Only)

Any one of the group

Chemistry, Botany Zoology (CBZ)

Physics, Chemistry, Maths (PCM)

Computer Science, Physics, Maths (C/S)

Microbiology, Chemistry, Botany (M/B)

Microbiology, Chemistry, Zoology (M/Z)


Note: As UGC and Govt.Notification Environmental Science is Compulsory for all Second year (Sem-III & Sem-IV) students of B.A.,B.Sc,& B.Com.



Arts Faculty- 

M.A. (CBCS) 4 Semesters (2 Years)

English, Marathi, Economics, History, Pol.Science,

Commerce Faculty- 

M.Com. (CBCS) 4 Semesters (2 Years)

Science Faculty- 

M.Sc. (Zoology) 4 Semesters (2 Years)

M.Sc. (Medicinal Plant) 4 Semesters (2 Years)

            (Innovative Project under UGC)

Note- Eligibility and Intake as per directions of RTM Nagpur University



            Arts, Commerce and Science

            XI & XII (Arts)- 

English, Marathi, History, Economics, Political Science, Geography

            XI & XII (Commerce)- 

English, Marathi, A/C, Economics, OCM, S/P

XI & XII (Science)-