List of Prominent Alumni

The institution has an active Alumni Association.

i) List its current Office bearers : –

1.  Shri Jagatji Rahangadale
2.  Shri Prabhakar Sapate
3. Shri Rajesh Bais
4. Shri Shayed Quereshi

5. Shri Rajesh Dhomne
6. Shri Chetan Chavan
7. Mrs. Sarita Funde
8. Shri H.P. Borkar
9. Shri Dharmendra Agrawal
10. Shri Krishna Meshram
11. Shri Ashok Gupta
12. Shri Ashwin Nashine
13. Shri Arvind Samrit
14. Shri Satyawan Hukare
15. Shri Madan Ramteke
16. Shri Mushir Khan
17. Shri Akhilesh Gupta
18. Ku. Uma Bachhal

ii ) List its activities during the last two years.
The following suggestions are given by Alumni Association

1. Introduction of technological courses
2. Attention on discipline and quality education.
3. To provide infrastructural facilities.
4. To provide Internet facility for students.
5. To arrange University Level and State Level Games and Sports.
6. Provide special guidance for M.P.S.C. and U.P.S.C. Competitive Examinations.

iii ) Alumni occupied prominent positions.

1. Shri Nanabhau Patole – MLA, Sakoli
2. Shri JagatJi Rahangdale – President – Bahujan Hitaya Education Society.
3. Adv. Sunil Kotwal – Judge
4. Adv. Vinod Hukare – Public Prosecutor
5. Shri Mangesh Pustode – Research fellow, IIT, Powai
6. Shri Girish J. Korekar – Jr. Scientist
7. Shri S.S. Chandewar – Custom officer, Bombay
8. Shri S.R. Gupta – Coal mines, Nagpur
9. Shri Ashwinkumar Meshram – Executive, Fine Chemicals, Nigeria
10. Shri Prakash Bawankar – Jr. Scientist